Just Cause (film)

Just Cause is a 1995 suspense crime thriller film directed by Arne Glimcher and starring Sean Connery and Laurence Fishburne. It is based on John Katzenbachs novel of the same name.

The plot thickens when Ferguson tells the professor that the murder was actually committed by Blair Sullivan Ed Harris, a serial killer awaiting execution, who later reveals the location of the weapon used to kill the girl. When Armstrong discovers the weapon, Brown tries to threaten him into abandoning the investigation. It is revealed that the murdered girl was Browns daughters best friend. Ferguson gets a retrial and is freed from prison. Subsequently, the governor signs Sullivans death warrant.Armstrong then receives a call from Sullivan, who says he has a final clue for him, but first asks him to visit his parents and tell them he said goodbye. Armstrong is shocked to find the butchered bodies of Sullivans parents, and returns demanding an explanation before telling Sullivan what he saw. Sullivan gloats that he and Ferguson struck a deal Ferguson would kill Sullivans parents in exchange for freedom, while Sullivan would claim responsibility for the girls murder, which Ferguson did in fact commit. Armstrong has the last laugh by lying to Sullivan that his parents were alive and that they forgive him. Sullivan becomes furious and resists the guards taking him to the electric chair where he is executed. ........

Source: Wikipedia